Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"The people highest up got the lowest self esteem!!" -Kanye West

Who's that text from? Let me check your phone!

Why have I been obsessed with this Rihanna and Chris Brown fiasco?
Because I have been obsessed with RiRi ever since her makeover.
She was perfect to me: Beautiful, Stylish, Makes decent music..
So why does this news excite me? Because it reminds us that the glamorous are human too!

First of all, there is NEVER an excuse for a man to hit a woman..

But really, when you're in an argument, the other person has to really yank your chain or say some really crazy shit before you feel angry enough to hit them! And while doing my research on all of this, it seems that RiRi is a hot tempered, jealous and possessive girlfriend..Which is even better! I'm speaking for all of us insecure women out here, we feel you girl.

Again, let me repeat that there is no excuse to ever hit a woman.

I'm going to propose a prediction. This incident will be the downfall of Rihanna's career.
  • She's about 20 years old right now and in her prime. If you think about it, she looks kind of mature for her age and will probably look a little worn out in the next 2 years or so..

  • Word is spreading that she's not going to file any charges against Chris Brown..which doesn't really make sense since she did call the cops on him. This shows that she's in a confused state of mind right now..which can eventually cause her to break down [and pull a Britney] if she's not strong enough.
I've been through abusive relationships before and can say that it's not something you can just get over. It's a constant battle with yourself and the shit really affects your self esteem. I love Rihanna and hope she can overcome all of this and leave that zero..Because there's never a reason for a man to hit a woman!

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